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03_designing_for_3d_printing:01_multi_colour [2024/10/15 12:59] – created jattie03_designing_for_3d_printing:01_multi_colour [2024/10/15 17:40] (current) jattie
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-^  Document Title:|Document Title|+^  Document Title:|Designing Better Looking Faceplates for 3D Printing|
 ^  Document No.:|1728994779| ^  Document No.:|1728994779|
 ^  Author(s):|jattie| ^  Author(s):|jattie|
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 |< 100% 10% - - 10% 17% 10% >| |< 100% 10% - - 10% 17% 10% >|
 ^  \\  Revision\\  \\  ^\\ Details of Modification(s)^\\ Reason for modification^  \\ Date  ^  \\ By  ^ ^  \\  Revision\\  \\  ^\\ Details of Modification(s)^\\ Reason for modification^  \\ Date  ^  \\ By  ^
-|  [[:doku.php?id=03_designing_for_3d_printing:01_multi_colour&do=revisions|0]]  |Draft release|Document description here|  2024/10/15 12:19  |  jattie  |+|  [[:doku.php?id=03_designing_for_3d_printing:01_multi_colour&do=revisions|0]]  |Draft release|Desingn for 3D printing|  2024/10/15 12:19  |  jattie  |
 ---- ----
-====== Multi Colour Designs ======+====== Multi Colour Faceplate Designs ======
 This topic came up working on a various projects that required a faceplate, like a clock face, a ruler or the faceplate for a sundial. This topic came up working on a various projects that required a faceplate, like a clock face, a ruler or the faceplate for a sundial.
 +The idea is to use a printer with multi material capabilities (MMU or AMS) and design prints to exploit these features for the best possible results using FDM 3D printing techniques.
 +<WRAP center round tip 60%>
 +The traditional methods employed is to either emboss of deboss and with multi colour printers we just stated "paining" into the embossed or debossed parts. This approach is to have the letters and numbers as separate objects on equal height, but printed in different colours. Separate objects simply paints cleaner with clear boundaries.
 ===== CAD Design Approach ===== ===== CAD Design Approach =====
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 {{ :03_designing_for_3d_printing:screenshot_2024-10-15_133155.png?nolink |}} {{ :03_designing_for_3d_printing:screenshot_2024-10-15_133155.png?nolink |}}
 +Select the fill paint style and paint colour.
 {{:03_designing_for_3d_printing:screenshot_2024-10-15_133219.png?nolink&400|}} {{:03_designing_for_3d_printing:screenshot_2024-10-15_133219.png?nolink&400|}}
 +Paint all the white parts in including the sides and bottom until it looks like the third image.
 +===== Even Better Surface Print Quality =====
 +For even better print quality I flip the image upside down.
 +Printing like that leaves my texture build plate impressions on the top surface resulting in a really professional looking result.
03_designing_for_3d_printing/01_multi_colour.1728997175.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/15 12:59 by jattie