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04_projects:02_kinetic_sand_table [2024/12/20 20:17] jattie04_projects:02_kinetic_sand_table [2024/12/20 20:39] (current) – [Linear Stage] jattie
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +==== Wiring ====
 +The pico datasheet((https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/pico-datasheet.pdf)) section 2.1 confirms use of the 3.3V output for signal purposes of up to 300mA. The TB6600 datasheet((https://www.makerguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TB6600-Manual.pdf)) confirms 15mA currents required to drive the optocouplers.
 +The proposed microcontroller wiring from the same datasheet proposes the following:
 +So in keeping with the proposed vendor Microcontroller wiring we then add the enable lines back in and it should look like this.
 +This schematic show the wiring for the X axis, the two Y axis connections for direction and step should be used instead.
 +===== Linear Hardware =====
 ==== Stepper Motors ==== ==== Stepper Motors ====
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 Using this stepper in conjunction with a TB6600, simply set the current limit to match that of the motor selected, regardless pf the voltage supplied to the controller. The controller regulates the current limit set up from the dip switches. ((https://community.robotshop.com/forum/t/power-supply-requirements-for-stepper-motor-controller/28483/4))  Using this stepper in conjunction with a TB6600, simply set the current limit to match that of the motor selected, regardless pf the voltage supplied to the controller. The controller regulates the current limit set up from the dip switches. ((https://community.robotshop.com/forum/t/power-supply-requirements-for-stepper-motor-controller/28483/4)) 
-==== Wiring ==== 
-The pico datasheet((https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/pico/pico-datasheet.pdf)) section 2.1 confirms use of the 3.3V output for signal purposes of up to 300mA. The TB6600 datasheet((https://www.makerguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TB6600-Manual.pdf)) confirms 15mA currents required to drive the optocouplers.+==== Linear Stage ====
-The proposed microcontroller wiring from the same datasheet proposes the following: +For my linear stage I decided to venture off the well travelled path and investigate alternative rail options
-So in keeping with the proposed vendor Microcontroller wiring we then add the enable lines back in and it should look like this.+Browsing at my local hardware store I found polished oval rails like these and started working of a 3D printed design that can use cheap 3D printed options to turn these into a linear stage.
-This schematic show the wiring for the X axis, the two Y axis connections for direction and step should be used instead+{{:04_projects:screenshot_2024-12-14_173744.png?direct&400 |}}I created some oval shaped linear bearings for starters and testing them on the rails
-===== Linear Hardware =====+ 
 +The were designed with very tight fit tolerances. 
 +{{:04_projects:screenshot_2024-12-16_140548.png?direct&350|}}{{:04_projects:screenshot_2024-12-16_140559.png?direct&350 |}} 
 +Then created some bearing holders with idler pulley holders and mounts for the cross bar.
 +The cross bar fit was also tight and I used a mallet to drive it on to avoid play. I realised I did not fit the bearing and designed a split bearing.
 +The bearings are here: https://www.printables.com/model/1108249-oval-tube-linear-bearing-15x30x50mm
 +The gantry sliders with bearing and idler pulleys are here: https://www.printables.com/model/1111593-oval-profile-linear-stage-single-bearing
04_projects/02_kinetic_sand_table.1734725834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/20 20:17 by jattie