3D Printing Wiki

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start [2020/06/20 14:39] – external edit [2024/07/17 08:26] (current) jattie
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-====== HDip Data Analytics ======+====== About the 3D Printing Wiki ======
-This is a post graduatestudent driven, online collaboration space for notes and reference material for Python based data analytics and not affiliated with academic institutions+This wiki aims to collate knowledge on printer hardwarequestions about the hardware and how to resolve known issues and also CAD tools and interesting design ideas and focus on designing for 3D printing.
-Click the links to the left for more information on the various topics.+This is a 3D printing knowledge base focused on FDM printing, a documented public record of everything related to FDM 3D printing. It is hard to keep track of the range of sources on the web from video links to forum posts to models and snippets of valuable information all over the place, not to mention a place to concisely discuss code snippets, photos and graphs and whatever we need to clearly communicate the point
-To request collaboration access to the wikicontact the administrators through the appropriate slack channels+We answer and ask the same questions in various forum posts and it it's hard to remember everything we did some months in the pastso this is a searchable knowledge base to point to and update as information and technology advances
-  * [[https://hdipdataanalytics.slack.com/|HDipDataAnalytics.slack.com]]+<WRAP center round important 60%> 
 +There are multiple attempts to breach the security of wikis by spambots creating registration requests. This breaks the mail loop and clutters the user base and login admin, so automated registration is disabled can only be manually done by the admins. So please contact an administrator if you feel you are eligible to request edit access. You can request edit access on the [[Creality K1 forum on printables|https://www.printables.com/group/creality-k1k1ck1-max-group-b5KX4vR/comments]]
-If you are not on slack contact one of the wiki authors directly for instructions to join.+There are two ways to navigate around:
-<WRAP center round info 60%> +  * Following the menus to the left from the top down to the bottom 
-We need your help to keep up with the updates on the wiki, please join in and help make this collaboration attempt a success. +  * Using the search bar above and typing in what you are looking for
-</WRAP> +
-  +
-<WRAP center round important 60%> +
-There are multiple attempts to breach the security of the wiki at the moment by bots creating registration requests. This breaks the mail loop and clutters the user base and login admin, so registration is disabled now and needs to be manually done by the adminsSo please contact the admin via our slack channel to register. +
 [[start?do=recent|View the recent updates]] [[start?do=recent|View the recent updates]]
start.1592663981.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/15 18:20 (external edit)