~~NOTOC~~ |<100% 25% - >| ^ \\ 3D PRINTING AND DESIGN REFERENCE DOCUMENT\\ \\ ^^ ^ Document Title:|References/Links to rooting your K1| ^ Document No.:|1721328428| ^ Author(s):|jattie| ^ Contributor(s):| | **REVISION HISTORY** |< 100% 10% - - 10% 17% 10% >| ^ \\ Revision\\ \\ ^\\ Details of Modification(s)^\\ Reason for modification^ \\ Date ^ \\ By ^ | [[:doku.php?id=03_creality_k1:02_rooting&do=revisions|0]] |Draft release|Create links to the K1 rooting tools| 2024/07/18 18:47 | jattie | ---- ====== Rooting your K1 ====== Before it was allowed by Creality, there was this exploit to get your printer rooted.((https://meteyou.github.io/creality-k1/links/)) Now you can use Creality K1 Helper Script((https://github.com/Guilouz/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki)). Start by reading the wiki, it's pretty straight forward. ((https://guilouz.github.io/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki/)) The shortcuts are: * Enable root access((https://guilouz.github.io/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki/firmwares/install-and-update-rooted-firmware-k1/#enable-root-access)) * Connect to the printer using the SSH Tool ((https://guilouz.github.io/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki/firmwares/ssh-connection/)) * Change the date, time and timezone ((https://guilouz.github.io/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki/firmwares/change-date-and-time/)) * Install the helper script. ((https://guilouz.github.io/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki/helper-script/helper-script-installation/)) * Access the web interface ((https://guilouz.github.io/Creality-Helper-Script-Wiki/configurations/access-to-web-interface/)) Thant's it, you now have a rooted K1