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^ Document Title:|Create SVG files using Python|
^ Document No.:|1729077206|
^ Author(s):|jattie|
^ Contributor(s):|[[https://www.printables.com/@yba2cuo3_12119|yba2cuo3]] |
|< 100% 10% - - 10% 17% 10% >|
^ \\ Revision\\ \\ ^\\ Details of Modification(s)^\\ Reason for modification^ \\ Date ^ \\ By ^
| [[:doku.php?id=03_designing_for_3d_printing:02_design_with_svg&do=revisions|0]] |Draft release|How to exploit the power of SVG's in 3D designs.| 2024/10/16 11:13 | jattie |
====== Design generating SVG's with Python ======
SVG's(Scalable Vector Graphics) are very powerful in designs because of the scalability. Any existing logo or image can be converted to a .svg and as I recently discovered during a conversation with [[https://www.printables.com/@yba2cuo3_12119|@yba2cuo3]] on printables, there are very cool svg libraries available in python to exploit and generate sophisticated and intricate details for 3D designs.
This page aims to showcase this use case.
===== Create a SVG using Python code =====
The idea was inspired by the [[https://www.printables.com/model/998688-heliochronometer-worlds-most-accurate-sundial|Heliochronometer project on printables]] and discussions with the designer on the faceplates and dual colour designs.
The majority of the code was generated in copilot and then adjusting the parameters until to get a similar faceplate dial in the svg as can be seen in the original design.
**My initial prompt to copilot was:**\\
create python code to generate a 24hour sundial face with roman numerals, hour line, half hour lines, 15 minute and 5 minute lines at varying lengths and produce an svg
import svgwrite
from math import cos, sin, pi
def create_custom_sundial_face():
# Create an SVG drawing
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('custom_sundial_face.svg', profile='tiny', size=(500, 500))
# Center of the sundial
center_x = 250
center_y = 250
radius = 160
# Draw the outer circle with a decorative border
dwg.add(dwg.circle(center=(center_x, center_y), r=radius, stroke='black', fill='none', stroke_width=5))
# Function to draw lines
def draw_line(angle, length, color='black', stroke_width=1):
x1 = center_x + radius * (1 - length) * cos(angle)
y1 = center_y + radius * (1 - length) * sin(angle)
x2 = center_x + radius * cos(angle)
y2 = center_y + radius * sin(angle)
dwg.add(dwg.line(start=(x1, y1), end=(x2, y2), stroke=color, stroke_width=stroke_width))
# Function to draw text
def draw_text(angle, text, radius_offset=10):
x = center_x + (radius + radius_offset) * cos(angle)
y = center_y + (radius + radius_offset) * sin(angle) + 0 # Adjust y coordinate for vertical alignment
rotation_angle = angle * 180 / pi + 90 # Convert radians to degrees and adjust for vertical alignment
#dwg.add(dwg.text(text, insert=(x, y), text_anchor="middle", font_size="12px", font_family="Roman"))
dwg.add(dwg.text(text, insert=(x, y), text_anchor="middle", font_size="12px", font_family="Verdana",
font_weight='bold', transform=f"rotate({rotation_angle},{x},{y})"))
# Draw 5-minute lines
for five_minute in range(288):
if five_minute % 12 == 0:
angle = (five_minute / 288) * 2 * pi - pi / 2
draw_line(angle, 0.05)#, color='purple')
# Draw 15-minute lines
for quarter_hour in range(96):
if quarter_hour % 4 == 0:
angle = (quarter_hour / 96) * 2 * pi - pi / 2
draw_line(angle, 0.08)#, color='red')
# Draw half-hour lines
for half_hour in range(48):
if half_hour % 2 == 0:
angle = (half_hour / 48) * 2 * pi - pi / 2
draw_line(angle, 0.10)#, color='green')
# Draw hour lines and Roman numerals with custom colors
for hour in range(24):
angle = (hour / 24) * 2 * pi - pi / 2
draw_line(angle, 0.15, stroke_width=2)#, color='blue')
roman_numeral = ["XII", "I", "II", "III", "IIII", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI"][hour % 12]
if hour >= 12:
roman_numeral #+= " PM"
roman_numeral #+= " AM"
draw_text(angle, roman_numeral)
# Save the SVG file
# Create the custom sundial face SVG
print("The custom sundial face SVG has been created and saved as 'custom_sundial_face.svg'.")
The result of the above code looks like this.
{{ :03_designing_for_3d_printing:custom_sundial_face.svg |}}
This is the SVG file, right click this to download directly for use.
import svgwrite
import math
# Create a canvas of 200mm x 200mm
#conda install dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('circle_with_dividers_and_numerals.svg', profile='tiny', size=('200mm', '200mm'))
# Create a canvas of 200mm x 200mm with units set to millimeters
dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('circle_with_dividers_and_numerals.svg', profile='full', size=('200mm', '200mm'), viewBox=('0 0 200 200'))
# Draw a circle in the middle with a diameter of 140mm and 2mm wide
circle_center = (100, 100)
circle_radius = 70
dwg.add(dwg.circle(center=circle_center, r=circle_radius, stroke='black', fill='none', stroke_width=2))
# Function to create equal divider lines around the inner circumference of the circle
def create_divider_lines(dwg, center, radius, num_lines, line_length, line_width):
angle_step = 360 / num_lines
center_x, center_y = center
for i in range(num_lines):
angle = math.radians(i * angle_step)
start_x = center_x + (radius - line_width / 2) * math.cos(angle)
start_y = center_y + (radius - line_width / 2) * math.sin(angle)
end_x = center_x + (radius - line_width / 2 - line_length) * math.cos(angle)
end_y = center_y + (radius - line_width / 2 - line_length) * math.sin(angle)
dwg.add(dwg.line(start=(start_x, start_y), end=(end_x, end_y), stroke='black', stroke_width=line_width))
# Function to add Roman numerals around the outer circumference of the circle
def add_roman_numerals(dwg, center, radius, num_numerals):
roman_numerals = ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII"]
roman_numerals = roman_numerals*2
angle_step = 360 / num_numerals
center_x, center_y = center
for i in range(num_numerals):
angle = math.radians(i * angle_step - 90) # Adjust angle to start from the top
text_x = center_x + radius * math.cos(angle)
text_y = center_y + radius * math.sin(angle)
#dwg.add(dwg.text(roman_numerals[i % len(roman_numerals)], insert=(text_x, text_y + 3), text_anchor="middle", font_size="10pt"))
rotation_angle = i * angle_step
dwg.add(dwg.text(roman_numerals[i % 24], insert=(text_x, text_y + 0), text_anchor="middle", font_size="8pt",
transform=f"rotate({rotation_angle} {text_x},{text_y + 0})"))
# Use the function to create 24 divider lines of 18mm long and 1mm wide
create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24, 10, 0.8)
create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24*2, 7, 0.8)
create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24*4, 6, 0.4)
create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24*12, 4, 0.4)
# Add one set of Roman numerals around the outer circumference of the circle
add_roman_numerals(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius + 3, 24)
# Save the SVG file
dwg.save(pretty=True, indent=2)
print("SVG saved: 'circle_with_dividers_and_numerals.svg'")
===== How to use the SVG in Fusion360 =====
At the moment there is some fusion specific issue encountered importing the python generated SVG. It seems related to scaling and coordinate calculations. I suspect them to also be related to radians.