import svgwrite import math # Create a canvas of 200mm x 200mm #conda install dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('circle_with_dividers_and_numerals.svg', profile='tiny', size=('200mm', '200mm')) # Create a canvas of 200mm x 200mm with units set to millimeters dwg = svgwrite.Drawing('circle_with_dividers_and_numerals.svg', profile='full', size=('200mm', '200mm'), viewBox=('0 0 200 200')) # Draw a circle in the middle with a diameter of 140mm and 2mm wide circle_center = (100, 100) circle_radius = 70 dwg.add(, r=circle_radius, stroke='black', fill='none', stroke_width=2)) # Function to create equal divider lines around the inner circumference of the circle def create_divider_lines(dwg, center, radius, num_lines, line_length, line_width): angle_step = 360 / num_lines center_x, center_y = center for i in range(num_lines): angle = math.radians(i * angle_step) start_x = center_x + (radius - line_width / 2) * math.cos(angle) start_y = center_y + (radius - line_width / 2) * math.sin(angle) end_x = center_x + (radius - line_width / 2 - line_length) * math.cos(angle) end_y = center_y + (radius - line_width / 2 - line_length) * math.sin(angle) dwg.add(dwg.line(start=(start_x, start_y), end=(end_x, end_y), stroke='black', stroke_width=line_width)) # Function to add Roman numerals around the outer circumference of the circle def add_roman_numerals(dwg, center, radius, num_numerals): roman_numerals = ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X", "XI", "XII"] roman_numerals = roman_numerals*2 angle_step = 360 / num_numerals center_x, center_y = center for i in range(num_numerals): angle = math.radians(i * angle_step - 90) # Adjust angle to start from the top text_x = center_x + radius * math.cos(angle) text_y = center_y + radius * math.sin(angle) #dwg.add(dwg.text(roman_numerals[i % len(roman_numerals)], insert=(text_x, text_y + 3), text_anchor="middle", font_size="10pt")) rotation_angle = i * angle_step dwg.add(dwg.text(roman_numerals[i % 24], insert=(text_x, text_y + 0), text_anchor="middle", font_size="8pt", transform=f"rotate({rotation_angle} {text_x},{text_y + 0})")) # Use the function to create 24 divider lines of 18mm long and 1mm wide create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24, 10, 0.8) create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24*2, 7, 0.8) create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24*4, 6, 0.4) create_divider_lines(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius, 24*12, 4, 0.4) # Add one set of Roman numerals around the outer circumference of the circle add_roman_numerals(dwg, circle_center, circle_radius + 3, 24) # Save the SVG file, indent=2) print("SVG saved: 'circle_with_dividers_and_numerals.svg'")